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Faith – God’s grace – perseverance


When you have the True Faith, when you have and cooperate with God’s grace, not only are you spiritually sound, but you have the ability to see things clearly, as reality is, and make true and right observations and decisions. When you don’t have the Faith, or don’t cooperate with God’s grace, even as a bad Catholic, everything is distorted and inverted and you lose the ability to see the truth, let alone live it.
Hence, we find ourselves in a world gone insane with true psychopaths at the helm leading the world into a dystopian nightmare. To them and all who follow their plans, they think it will be a utopia. To those who see clearly, seemingly a minority, knows it is not a utopia they are planning and implementing, but a living hell. The one variable that they cannot control or have war gamed out, however, is God and those who remain faithful to Him in spite of whatever they may inflict upon us. As St. Paul reminds that, now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation. We must pray not only for the grace of resignation to God’s will but for perseverance and fortitude in the midst of our tribulations. Take St. Joseph as your patron, who was loved so much by God but had to endure great tribulations in this life to try him and proved him to be the great Saint that he is for us to imitate.
We may be living in the Planet of the Apes world now, with everything upside down and inverted, but we must not be a part of it by believing its lies. We can and must get in the habit of saying “NO!”, I will not believe that lie nor will I follow that lie. Our Lord said we must live in this world, but we cannot be of this world. We do what we can to bring the glory of God in this world, we hold up His standard in this world and work for good, to change for the better what we can, but all the while knowing that this world is not our true and lasting home. Heaven is what we are made for. The wicked of the world will have their reward in this life, and they will fight it out to scratch and steal their handful of coins, to obtain whatever their “god” is. The faithful’s reward is not in this life, but in the next, when we will hear those sweet words at our judgment, “Well done, good and faithful servant, because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” The wicked of this world and those who follow them will hear something strikingly different, “Depart from Me!” It should send shudders down our spine when we contemplate that reality.
The choice is seemingly more clear and obvious to mankind now than ever before, born out of the great mercy of our Lord’s Sacred Heart. Now is the time to choose which path to take. Pray for the grace to remain on that path. Only with the help of God can we do anything. There are many charlatans, false prophets, who are being exposed little by little, both in the secular and religious arenas. That is by the mercy of God so that we do not put our trust in man or fall for their lies and deceptions, but to put our trust in Almighty God and in all that He has revealed and instituted. It is not easy to see true reality around us, let alone to live in the midst of it. But we can use that for our sanctification now and to stir up in our hearts a greater desire for heaven. All this around us will come to an end no matter how much we may desire to live forever in this life. Eternity is coming for each one of us. Have confidence in the promises of Almighty God in the reward for those who remain faithful to Him. Deo Gratias!Faith – God’s grace – perseverance

FrMichael Oswalt