Jeśli masz ciekawe zdjęcia czy teksty, o Papieżu św. Piusie x, skontaktuj się z nami

Sanctus Pius X, Papa & confessor

Defensor Fidei et Pastor ovium.

Sancte Pie, X ora pro nobis!

Website about St. Pius X, Pope (1903-1914). Biographical details and activities of Pius X.

Vicar, Pastor, Canon, Spiritual Director, Rector of the seminary, Bishop, Cardinal

Pontificate – Encyclicals – Work – diplomatic activity

Encyclical Pascendi dominici gregis* Oath against modernism

Riese - Tombolo - Salzano - Mantua - Venice- Rome

1903 year. Pope Leo XIII dies. Cardinal Patriarch of Venice Józef M. Sarto is going to Rome at the end of July to elect (conclave) a new Pope. Cardinals gathered in the Vatican to inspire the Holy Spirit. choose the best among themselves. There were several votes, and the conclave was somewhat full of drama: there were several claimants to the throne (papabile), among them a certain cardinal had a good chance. M.Rampolla. To prevent him from becoming Pope, the Krakow Cardinal, X. J. Puzyna used the ancient veto right that the Austrian Emperor enjoyed and used it against Cardinal Rampolli (who was probably a Freemason!)

On 3.08.1903 the Pope was elected Patriarch from Venice. On August 9, he was solemnly crowned with a triple papal crown – Tiara.

The great pontificate of the Great Pope and Saint Pope began.

Saint Pius X – lexicon

Issues – events – information


The most important encyclicals of the Pope

Nr Title (Latin) Subject Date
1. E supremi On the Restoration of All things in Christ 4 October 1903
2. Ad diem illum laetissimum On the Immaculate Conception 2 February 1904
3. Iucunda sane On Pope Gregory the Great 12 March 1904
4. Acerbo nimis On Teaching Christian Doctrine 15 April 1905
5. Il fermo proposito On Catholic Action in Italy 11 June 1905
6. Vehementer Nos on the French Law of Separation 11 February 1906
7. Tribus circiter on the Miravites: Mystic Priests of Poland 5 April 1906
8. Pieni l’animo on the Clergy in Italy 28 July 1906
9. Gravissimo officii munere on French Associations of Worship 10 August 1906
10. Une fois encore on the Separation of Church and State 6 January 1907
11. Pascendi dominici gregis On the Doctrine of the Modernists 8 September 1907
12. Communium rerum on St. Anselm of Aosta 21 April 1909
13. Editae saepe on St. Charles Borromeo 26 May 1910
14. Notre charge apostolique on socialist doctrines of the Sillon movement 15 August 191o
15. Iamdudum on the Law of Separation in Portugal 24 May 1911
16. Lacrimabili statu on the Indians of South America 7 June 1912
17. Singulari quadam on Labour Organisations 24 September 1912


fight against modernism, then the world’s systems.

Faith and catechization

Saint Pius X Teaching