Pope St. Pius X introduced the Octave of Prayer for the Unity of the Church in 1908!
Let us pray to Almighty God that all those who remain outside the true Church, and especially all Christians who have a false idea of the Church of Christ, may come to know that this Catholic Church alone is the true one and that they may return to it. Today, above all, let us pray:
Day 1 – January 18
For the return to the Flock of Peter of all those “other sheep” who do not listen to the Voice of the Divine Shepherd.
Day 2 – January 19
For the return to unity with the Holy See of the Orthodox East.
Day 3 – January 20:
For the return to unity with the Church of England.
Day 4 January 21
For the return to the Church of Lutherans and other European Protestants.
Day 5 – January 22
For the return to the Church of the Christian sects in America, hodurs and others
Day 6 – January 23
For the return to religious practices of all lukewarm Catholics.
Day 7 – January 24
For the conversion of Jews and Muslims.
Day 8 – January 25 For the conquest of the whole world by Christ the true God and Savior.