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Bergoglio once again proves himself an apostate from the Catholic Faith


The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio took the opportunity of the great Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ to badmouth true Catholics yet again. The hypocrite Newpope talks about charity from one side of his mouth while using vile language to defame those who adhere to Catholic doctrine out of the other side. Apparently, the recent pushback from his Neocon Newchurchers against his anti-traditional decree “Traditionis custodes,” must be getting to him, as he wigged out in front of a much-reduced audience in St. Peter’s Basilica on January 6, 2022. Bergogliio claimed that the “liturgy” — by which he meant the fake (invalid) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan rites descending from the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) — could not be trapped in a “dead language … encased in a suit of armor.” [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Reuters News Service.]

Bergoglio is himself dead wrong about the Latin language being “dead,” even in Bergoglio’s own apostate sect. Millions still read, write, and speak the Latin language, as even a cursory examination of the internet reveals. Without the Latin language there would be no Roman Catholic Church. All of Western theology for 2,000 years is enshrined forever in that immemorial language, the dominant works of St. Augustine, the greatest of all the Doctors of the Church, for example, and of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Universal Doctor of the Church, and of theologians up to the present day. If we didn’t have the God-given unique qualities of the Latin language and the works written in it to guide us now, the Roman Catholic Church would be dead.

The Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the popes and the councils, have taught that Providence selected the immemorial Latin language and the Roman Empire to be the disseminator of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith throughout the world. That condition obtained throughout Classical Antiquity, the Holy Roman Empire of Charlesmagne, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Modern Era, even to the present day. This language has prevented the corruption of true Catholic doctrine in the true Church, which the Newchurch of the New Order with its babble of vulgar tongues has patently lost.

Bergoglio long ago already lost papal authority, together with the other Newpopes of the heretic Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, because he has placed himself under so many anathemata (excommunications) decreed at the dogmatic Council of Trent and other dogmatic Councils of the Church, that it would be impossible to cite every one here. However, to take just one example: “Si quis dixerit … lingua tantum vulgari Missam celebrari debere, anathema sit” [If anyone should say … that the Mass ought to be celebrated in the vernacular only, let him be excommunicated] (Session XXII, Canon 9). Pope Pius XII surely understood this teaching when he preached:

Latin! A language ancient, but not dead, whose superb echo, even if not heard for centuries in the ruined amphitheaters, the famous forum and the temples of the Caesars, is not silent in Christ’s basilicas, where the priest of the Gospel and the heroes of the Martyrs repeat and sing again the psalms and hymns of the first centuries in the re-consecrated language of the Quirites. Now, the language of Rome is principally a sacred language, which is heard in the divine rites, in the theological halls and in the Acts of the Apostolic See, and to which you yourselves often address a sweet greeting to the Queen of Heaven, your Mother, and to our Father Who reigns above.

Traditional Catholics, it is from this Catholic teaching that Pope Pius went on to utter his dire prophesy: “The day the Church abandons her universal Latin tongue is the day before she returns to the catacombs.” That prophesy has come true in our time, when the apostate Newpope Bergoglio, who heads not the Catholic Church, but the Protestant-Masonic-Pagen Newchurch of the New Order, just like the Protestant heretics of old, is attempting to stamp out the Latin language and continues to banish the true Catholic Church into the catacombs of courageously-independent churches, chapels, and oratories that will have nothing to do with his apostasy from the Catholic Faith.

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