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In defence of Fr Cekada


In defence of Fr Cekada

The Częstochowa publishing house “3dom” has just published a book by the Reverend Father Antoni Cekada, “The Work of Human Hands”. It was with great distaste that I discovered that the foreword to this excellent book was written by the well-known conservative Paweł Lisicki, editor-in-chief of the weekly “Do Rzeczy”. In the foreword, he attacked Father Cekada for alleged papolatry, which is a standard accusation of heretical ‘traditionalists’ against integral Roman Catholics. In addition, Lisicki formulated the charge of favouring heresy against the popes: Liberius and Honorius! As we know, all enemies of the papacy have made use of this accusation, betraying their anti-papal viciousness. The late Fr Anthony Cekada can no longer defend himself against the disgraceful attacks on his work, this duty is therefore incumbent on all of us who draw up to now from his articles.
At the same time, I discourage all the faithful from financially supporting a publishing house that tarnishes the memory of Fr Cekada, who was of great merit to the Catholic cause, in such an undignified manner.

fr. Rafał Trytek