Deus, qui populo tuo aeternae salutis beatum Bonaventuram ministrum tribuisti: praesta, quaesumus; ut, quem Doctórem vitae habuimus in terris, intercessorem habere mercamur in caelis. Per Dominum.
Hymn of St. Bonaventure (after the model of the ” Te Deum “)
We praise thee, O Mother of God: we confess thee, Mary, ever Virgin.
Thou art the Spouse of the Eternal Father: the whole earth venerates thee.
Thee all angels and archangels, thrones and principalities serve.
Thee all powers and all virtues of Heaven: and all dominations obey.
Before thee all the angelic choirs: the Cherubim and Seraphim exulting stand.
With unceasing voice every angelic creature proclaims thee:
Holy, holy, holy: Mary, Mother of God and Virgin !
Full are the heavens and the earth: of the majesty and glory of the fruit of thy womb.
Thee the glorious choir of Apostles: praise as the Mother of their Creator.
Thee the white-robed multitude of blessed martyrs: glorify as the Mother of Christ.
Thee the glorious army of Confessors: style the Temple of the Trinity.
Thee the amiable choir of holy virgins: preaches as the example of virginity and humility.
Thee the whole heavenly court: honoureth as Queen.
The Church, invoking thee, calls thee throughout the whole world: Mother of the Divine Majesty.
Venerating thee as the true Mother of the heavenly King: holy, sweet, and loving.
Thou art the Lady of Angels: thou art the gate of Paradise.
Thou art the ladder of glory: and of the heavenly kingdom.
Thou art the bridal chamber: thou art the ark of piety and grace.
Thou art the vein of mercy: thou art the Spouse and the Mother of the Eternal King.
Thou art the temple of the treasury of the Holy Ghost: thou art the noble throne of the whole blessed Trinity.
Thou art the Mediatrix of God, and the lover of men: the heavenly Illuminatrix of mortal men.
Thou art the inspirer of the warriors, the advocate of the poor: the compassionate refuge of sinners.
Thou art the distributrix of gifts: the barrier against demons and the proud, and their fear.
Thou art the Lady of the world, the Queen of Heaven: after God our only hope.
Thou art the salvation of them that call upon thee: the harbor of the shipwrecked, the solace of the wretched, the refuge of those who perish.
Thou art the Mother of all the blessed, full of joy after God: the comfort of all the dwellers in Heaven.
Thou art the promotrix of the just, the one who gathers together those who stray: the promise of the patriarchs.
Thou art the truth of the prophets, the herald and teacher of the Apostles: the Mistress of the Evangelists.
Thou art the strength of martyrs, the example of confessors: the honor and the festivity of virgins.
Thou hast received into thy womb the Son of God: to deliver exiled man.
By thee is driven out the ancient enemy: and the kingdoms of Heaven are opened to believers.
Thou sittest together with thy Son: at the right hand of the Father.
Do thou intercede for us, O Virgin Mary: with Him who we believe will come to judge us.
We beseech thee, therefore, help us, thy servants: who have been redeemed with the Precious Blood of Thy Son.
Save thy people, O Lady: that we may be partakers of the inheritance of Thy Son.
And rule us: and keep us forever.
Day by day, O loving one: we salute thee.
And we desire to praise thee forever: with both mind and voice.
Deign, O sweet Mary, now and forever: to keep us without sin.
Have mercy on us, O loving one: have mercy on us.
Let thy great mercy be upon us: because we trust in thee, O Virgin Mary.
In thee, O sweet Mary, we hope: do thou defend us forever.
Praise becometh thee; empire is thine: to thee be power and glory forever.