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Archive for category: info


Bergoglio once again proves himself an apostate from the Catholic Faith

The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio took the opportunity of the great Feast of the Epiphany of Ou...

Pius x 1914 7

August 20, 1914: death of St. Pius X

FOR A GOOD DEATH. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord ! O my  God, it is certain that I shall d...

s. bonaventura

On July 14, St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Deus, qui populo tuo aeternae salutis beatum Bonaventuram ministrum tribuisti: praesta, quaesumus; u...


July 1. Feast of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.

The celebration dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ goes back to the annual celebration ...

Mantua Biskup

Courage of Bishop J. Sarto

In other cases, Bishop Sarto showed this simple courage, as, for example, when two bills were submit...


The litany of St. Anthony of Padua

The litany of Saint Anthony of Padua Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison. Christ, hear us,...

Leo XIII 1899 Sacred heart

June 11 A.D. 1899

On June 11, 1899, Pope Leo XIII consecrated mankind to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, confirming the imp...


On May 16, St. Andrzej Bobola Martyr

Deus, qui in confessióne veræ fídei beátum Andréam multíplici suppliciórum génere excruciátum illust...


A priestly voice

Praised be Jesus Christ and Our Lady, Queen of Poland! Saint Stanislaw. Bishop and Martyr is the mai...


Saint Joseph and Polish priests

Polish national centre of St. Joseph devotion is Kalisz town, because there is a miraculous image of...