Praised be Jesus Christ and Our Lady, Queen of Poland! Saint Stanislaw. Bishop and Martyr is the mai...
Polish national centre of St. Joseph devotion is Kalisz town, because there is a miraculous image of...
For those who cannot physically attend the Holy Week celebrations, especially the Triduum Sacrum tha...
Hail! Mary, full of sorrows, the Crucified is with thee; tearful art thou amongst women, and tearful...
The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Translated from the Polish “GORZKIE ŻALE” (Gawsh’ka Zhah’la) in...
St.Charles was born in Milan – in 1538. At the age of 23, he was appointed cardinal and archbi...
Rafael Merry del Val y Zulueta (born October 10, 1865 in London, died February 26, 1930 in the Vatic...
Today, September 3. commemoration of Saint Pius X, Confessor Pope Sancte Pie X (decime), ora pro no...